Why You Must Visit Magnificent Malta

My trip to Malta came during the heatwave known as Lucifer. Aptly named after the devil himself and as one local tour guide put it so simply… “because it has been as hot as hell”. Met by temperatures surpassing 45oC according to the local pharmacy indicator, I arrived in the town of Mellieha. Home for …

Top 10 Things to Do In Dubai

Listing out just 10 things to do in Dubai is an almost impossible task. That’s because Dubai is so chock-full of magnificent attractions and amazingly unique and fun things to do. Still, we have tried to present the absolute top 10 fun things that you can experience only in Dubai. Each item is a testament …

Costa Del Where?

With the borders around the world showing glimmers of hope of opening, many would-be travellers are looking for their first destination since the world stood still. Did you know that 18.1 million Brits chose Spain as their destination of choice in 2019? Since I have become an independent travel agent, it has allowed me to …