Take a stroll down a street in New Orleans at night, or Istanbul by day, or Bangkok . . . or any of 21 cities. And do it all within a few minutes of each other.

You may not be able to travel very far at the moment but there’s nothing stopping you from whiling away some time exploring the great cities of the world, and all while listening to one of their local radio stations.


Easy.  Go to https://travel-remotely.netlify.app/

Pick your city, decide whether you’d like to visit by day or night. Then sit back and enjoy the experience.

Here’s an idea.  Why not cook up an appropriate meal – gumbo, kebab, Pad Thai – darken the room and enjoy the aromas, the flavours as well as the sights and sounds.

Happy stay-at-home days.

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The post Stroll the streets of New Orleans, Bangkok or Istanbul right now appeared first on Road Trip Dreamer.

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