Phoenix Arizona is a beautiful city that offers residents and visitors a wide variety of things to do, places to go and people to meet.
The city of Phoenix has a population of 1.5 million people, making it the most populous city in Arizona. The place is known for its mild temperatures and sunny skies, which make it a popular place for retirees and tourists alike. The city has several busy highways that connect it to other parts of the state and country. However, it also has its share of dangers that can put you at risk of serious injury or even death.
Car accidents account for a large number of injuries and deaths on our streets, with thousands of crashes occurring each year. They are often caused by driver error, but sometimes there are factors outside your control that can contribute to a car accident. This is why it’s important for everyone who drives in Phoenix or anywhere else to take precautions when they’re behind the wheel.
Accident statistics in Phoenix
The Phoenix metro area is one of the fastest-growing in the country. In fact, it’s one of America’s largest cities and its population is expected to reach 4 million by 2025. With such a large population comes an increase in traffic congestion and accidents.
According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were about 2 million crashes in 2021. Of those crashes, 35,092 people were killed and 4.4 million people were injured.
The majority of those deaths (50%) and injuries (72%) occurred on rural roads while only 33% occurred on urban roads. Rural roads are also more likely to have single-vehicle crashes than urban roads — 27% versus 19%.
The Phoenix metro area has seen an increase in fatal accidents over the past several years, which is alarming considering how much safer vehicles are today compared to even 10 years ago. In fact, almost half of all fatal accidents involve speeding as a contributing factor. In this article, we’ll look at the prevalent causes of accidents on Phoenix roads – so you know how to avoid them!
Staying Safe on Phoenix Roads
If you’re driving in Phoenix, there are some things you can do to stay safe and avoid accidents.
Find some of the tips below:
Practice safe driving habits.

You should always drive carefully when driving through neighborhoods and residential areas.
Drive at speeds appropriate for conditions and avoid distractions such as cell phones or other mobile devices while driving. Driving while distracted is one of the most common causes of car accidents. Cell phones, food and other items should not be used while driving. Many people also make the mistake of talking on their cell phones while driving or texting while stopped at intersections or stoplights. This can lead to serious accidents, especially if another driver comes along who is paying attention and sees that you aren’t paying attention yourself.
Don’t drink and drive.
Drinking alcohol impairs your ability to drive safely because it slows down reaction time and affects judgment. In fact, drinking any amount of alcohol can impair driving ability by up to 25 percent when consumed within two hours before getting behind the wheel.
If you plan on drinking alcohol while out with friends, make sure you have someone who will drive home safely so you don’t end up being involved in an accident caused by impaired driving. Also, avoid getting into cars with people who’ve been drinking too much; if they’re intoxicated enough to cause an accident, then make sure to contact expert phoenix accident attorneys to get the compensation you deserve.
Watch Your Speed.

This may seem like an obvious tip, but it is very important when it comes to staying safe on the road.
You should never drive above the posted speed limit on any road or highway. If there isn’t a posted sign, then you should stay under 65 miles per hour at all times. If you’re driving faster than that, then there’s a good chance that your car will get into an accident before long. The reason why this is so important is that driving over 100 miles per hour increases your chances of getting into an accident by more than 400 percent! This means that if you’re going at 100 miles per hour, then your odds of getting into an accident increase from 1 in 70,000 to 1 in 25!
Plus, accidents due to speeding could result in more damage being done than if you were going slower. When this happens, it means that more people will be hurt or killed as well as more property being damaged or destroyed by the accident itself.
Do not tailgate.
Tailgating is another reason for accidents on the roadways today. Tailgating typically occurs when someone follows too closely behind another vehicle without leaving enough space between them and the car in front of them. Tailgating can also cause unnecessary stress for both drivers and can lead to other types of road rage incidents such as honking or flashing lights at each other.
Be aware of your surroundings.
While driving down the road, it’s easy to get caught up with other drivers or distractions inside your vehicle. Make sure to pay attention to what is going on around you — especially if you are coming up on a curve or sharp turn.
Keep an eye out for vehicles that may be changing lanes or making sudden stops ahead of you.
Road accidents are a major cause of several deaths each year, and Phoenix is no different. Aside from vehicular mishaps, road accidents can also be caused by faulty signage, poorly lit roads and intersections, as well as drivers talking or texting on their cell phones.
As you can see from the above, there are numerous ways that drivers can proactively avoid road accidents in Phoenix. While nobody wants to get into a crash, it’s of utmost importance to do everything you can to prevent one. There’s a lot you can do to decrease your risk on the road—not only does it keep you safer and less likely to get injured in an accident, but it also keeps you out of court, saving both your time and your money in the process.
The post How To Prevent Road Accidents in Phoenix appeared first on American Travel Blogger.